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By October 26, 2023No Comments

My name is Karsen Kershner.  I attended Bangor High School and am a senior at the University of Dubuque.  I am a member of the basketball team and nursing program at University of Dubuque. Being a part of the basketball team has been a great way to incorporate physical activity into my routine. Not only is Basketball great for my physical health but also for my mental health. I am able to use basketball as a “brain break” from the stressors of school. To be a captain for a sports team you need to lead by example. This role has help me become more responsible, better with my time management, and strive to be my best self. One challenge I had to work through was when I tore my ACL at the start of my Junior season. This left me to realize how important physical health was to me. This injury had an extreme impact on my mental health because it limited my mobility, took me out of my sport, and impacted my clinical nursing experiences. I am beyond grateful for the support of teammates and family, it motivated me to work hard on getting back on the court. I noticed that once I started to focus on my physical health again, it improved my mental health immensely. Overall, I know that focusing on my physical health has helped me navigate many challenges.

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