My name is Jacob Williams, and I am from Dubuque, Iowa. I am a first-year student majoring in Environmental Science at the University of Dubuque and a member of the men’s basketball team. I started playing basketball in third grade, roughly ten years ago. Being on top of my physical and mental health has been a priority for me; without this attention to my health, I would be unable to perform at my best. I believe there should be more awareness surrounding the mental health of college students, especially student-athletes. To care for myself mentally, I prioritize my sleep cycle, maintain healthy eating habits, and have an optimistic outlook on life. When you take good care of your mind your body follows. Playing basketball takes an extreme amount of focus. If your mind is not in the right place, then it makes it easier for distractions, such as spectators or negative thoughts, to disorient you. The most important part of being an athlete is your outlook. By committing to your health, you are able to shape how you view the world and how you view yourself in the world. This includes how you capitalize on opportunities, and how you process adverse times. It is an honor to be an advocate for physical and emotional health and support the UD community.